1U Signum - Intellijel Tile White Panel / PCB Set | Nonlinear Circuits

1U Signum - Intellijel Tile White Panel / PCB Set | Nonlinear Circuits


The 1U Signum in the simplest sense, this is a 3 state switching module

This is a 1U Intelijel Tile  White Panel with PCB Set. 

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Availability:In stock

Those that build a lot of NLC modules will know this is one of Andrew's favorite circuits. The diff-rect has appeared on the Neuron, 1050 mix/sequencer, triple Sloth, GENiE and 8 of them make up the Let's Splosh. It is great for mixing audio and/or CV signals to get all kinds of unexpected and interesting results. The 2012 Pinky Site has some more details.

More Information
Brand NonLinear Circuits
HP 6
Additional Resources Build Guide + BOM