Sloth Chaos - Random CV Generator PCB | NonLinear Circuits

Sloth Chaos - Random CV Generator PCB | NonLinear Circuits

Special Price $9.00 Regular Price $10.00

This is a very simple to build chaos module that can be built in one of three ways: Sloth, Super Sloth, or Stasis Sloth, each of which has a different rate of change at the output

This is for a PCB only designed for the Eurorack format.

Availability:Out of stock

You can build this PCB three different ways: choose your flavour. Regular Sloth takes 15-20 seconds to complete a double well/figure 8/butterfly wings….if that is what it chooses to do. Super Sloth takes 15-20 minutes and Stasis Sloth takes about 1.5 hours… is seriously slow. All Sloths can get stuck in a well for several revolutions, this means the LED does not always change colour very often. In the regular Sloth this means the LED may not change colour for up to 5 minutes, though it usually does 2-3 times a minute. For the Stasis Sloth the LED may not change for a few days……

More Information
Brand NonLinear Circuits
HP 4
Additional Resources Build Guide