Slew Limiter DIY Full Kit - Befaco

Slew Limiter DIY Full Kit - Befaco


Befaco's VC Slew Limiter is a device that smooths an incoming signal, limiting the maximum rate of change of the output voltage per unit of time

This is for a full kit in the Eurorack format. A few SMD components come pre-soldered.

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Availability:In stock

A Slew limiter is a device that smooths an incoming signal, limiting the maximum rate of change of the output voltage per unit of time

It is widely used to apply to pitch CV to obtain portamento but can be very useful in other applications like convering a gate signal into a basic envelope.

This module has independent time controls for both rising and falling voltages, each of them with his own dedicated CV input.

Also, you can change the response from linear to logarithmic with a dedicated potentiometer.

More Information
Brand Befaco
HP 6
Depth 31mm
+12V <10mA
-12V <10mA
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