Pure VCA (SMT) PCB/Panel

Pure VCA (SMT) PCB/Panel


The GMSN! Pure VCA is a simple, straightforward SMT DIY VCA.

This is a PCB/Panel set in the Eurorack format.

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Availability:In stock

The GMSN! Pure VCA is an exponential voltage controlled amplified based on the THAT2180 VCA chip. It has control over the Offset and CV In level. There are inputs for the Signal In, CV In and Signal Out. It can be used to control both audio and CV signals. The THAT2180 VCA chip is used in high end audio kit giving excellent signal to noise ratio.

The circuit board is laid out cleanly to make component population and soldering a breeze and the build documentation includes step by step instructions, as well as fault finding hints and tips. There is also a full explanation of how the module works, broken down into the basic building blocks. This isn’t just a kit, it’s a comprehensive introduction to analogue VCA circuit design.

More Information
Brand Glasgow Make Some Noise!
HP 4
Depth 22mm
+12V 7mA
-12V 7mA
Additional Resources BOM Build Guide .SCH File