DE-19 – Mouth Filter PCB Panel Set | DJUPVIKS ELEKTRONIK

DE-19 – Mouth Filter PCB Panel Set | DJUPVIKS ELEKTRONIK


 MOUTH is a 2-channel true stereo fixed resonance/bandpass filter/vowel filter and/or anti-wah module.  

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Availability:In stock

 “Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, I like him just fine But he's a mouth breather” -Jesus Lizard 

 MOUTH is a 2-channel true stereo fixed resonance/bandpass filter/vowel filter and/or anti-wah module. It uses a unique CV circuit using several infra-red optocouplers which makes it very suitable for audio range/fast CV. It can also use regular, slow, CV with ease. Channel 1 sound input and cv are normaled to channel 2. It is thus easy to create a stereo signal using a mono input. It has a invert switch which flips the incoming cv from channel 1 on its head and creates wide evolving stereo soundscapes. 

Middle knob is frequency offset, there are also two attenuators for the incoming CV signals. You have two outputs for each channel and also a mix out for blending signals, so you can use this module to mix two completely different sound sources post filtering. 

The first printing of the panel has a misprint labeling the module “DE-12” which is incorrect. The correct labeling should be DE-19. If you have this panel it might be worth a fortune in the future1 

More Information
Brand Djupviks Elektronik
HP 10
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