Squid Axon | NonLinear Circuits

Squid Axon | NonLinear Circuits

From $20.00

To $19.50 Regular Price $20.00

Just the module everybody has been waiting for! A squid brain cell simulator!

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    The Squid Axon is a circuit based on the Hodgkin-Huxley equation describing the chaotic behaviour observed in giant squid axons. The inspiration for the module came from a 2003 paper by T. Matsuzaki & M. Nakagawa, titled 'A Bipolar Logistic Chaos Neuron and Its Hardware Implementation'.

    Basically it is a four stage analog shift register with two feedback paths, one nonlinear and one linear. If you turn the feedback paths down to zero, you get a regular ASR. Turn up the feedback to get more complex and staggered patterns from the 4 CV outputs. It will happily run at audio rates as well.

    More Information
    Brand NonLinear Circuits
    HP 8
    Additional Resources Build Guide