Mixer & Headphone Amp | NonLinear Circuits

Mixer & Headphone Amp | NonLinear Circuits


A three input mixer with 1/8" and 1/4" outputs and a headphone amp!

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    Availability: In stock

    This is a 3 input mixer with a minijack and 1/4" output as well.
    The headphone amp has its own input and volume control. This way you can monitor a single patch and set it up whilst other patches are fed to the PA. If nothing is inserted into the headphone input, then the mixer output is routed to the headphones, so you can patch away in bed without disturbing your sweet sleeping partner.
    All the pots and minijacks are mounted on the PCB.

    More Information
    Brand NonLinear Circuits
    HP 8
    +12V 60mA
    Additional Resources Build Guide & BOM