Mutated: Tides PCB

Mutated: Tides PCB

Special Price $9.00 Regular Price $10.00

Mutated: Tides - A DIY Tides PCB - essential for creating LFO's, envelopes....or as a wavetable oscillator...

This is a PCB in the Eurorack format.

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Availability:In stock

Tides is all about waves that go up and down, from minute-long cycles to audio rates... This module is Mutable Instruments' unique take on the looping AD envelope generator - pushing this well-known trope to unknown territories.

The core of the module is a digital asymmetric triangle function generator, which can be used in AD and AR modes (for envelope generation), or looping (as a VC-LFO or VC-DO). The triangle generator is followed by a wavetable waveshaper providing linear, exponential, logarithmic, sinusoidal, or arc-sinusoidal shapes for the A and D segments. Then, a second processor applies either a 2-pole low-pass filter to the waveform, smoothing its sharp edges; or a rubbery wavefolder, adding kinks and "bounces" to the waveform. Because Tides has been designed from the ground up to work at audio rates with minimal aliasing, and because all its parameters are under voltage control, it can be used as a unique self-contained synth voice.


NOTE:  All Mutated modules are designed by Émilie Gillet, and are CC-BY-SA.    

Ground rules:

  • Do NOT ask on the mutable forums or email Mutable Instruments for help.  There is literally ZERO support offered from those channels - don't be an ass.  A number of Facebook groups exist to help with DIY builds, and we're happy to help as well.
  • Do NOT (re)sell these, passing them off as factory modules.  Seriously - don't be an ass.
  • Do NOT be totally scared of SMT.  If you haven't done it before, it's off-putting, we get it - but give yourself a chance.  Learn something.  That's what (we think) DIY is all about.  We're keeping the prices on these low enough that you can afford to try and fail!
  • DO have a ton of fun building them, and use them to create awesome sounds.  Then go buy a Mutable Instruments module and SUPPORT Émilie's designs, directly.
More Information
Brand Modular Addict
Additional Resources Mouser BOM