BMC025 - FM Drum | Barton Musical Circuits

BMC025 - FM Drum | Barton Musical Circuits

From $7.20 Regular Price $8.00

To $70.20 Regular Price $78.00

The FM Drum is a percussion module designed to make far-out and strange sounds. It features a manually controlled modulating oscillator and a voltage controlled oscillator. Each oscillator has both square and triangle waveshapes, selectable with toggle switches. It also accepts external CV for modulation. It is easy to patch, just input a trigger or gate source and out comes a new sound.
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    This is a new percussive sound module designed to make unnatural sounds not found in nature. It has two oscillators, one manually controlled and one voltage controlled. The manually controlled oscillator's output is used as a source of frequency modulation on the voltage controlled oscillator. The voltage controlled oscillator's output is then sent to an onboard VCA. The Voltage controlled oscillator can also be controlled with external control voltages, though it does not conform to the 1v/oct standard. Both the modulating oscillator and VCO have both triangle and squarewave outputs and have switches to select which waveform is outputted
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    Brand Barton Musical Instruments