BMC018 - Analog Drum | Barton Musical Circuits

BMC018 - Analog Drum | Barton Musical Circuits

From $7.20 Regular Price $8.00

To $65.70 Regular Price $73.00

This is an all analog DIY synthesizer module used to make percussive pitched sounds courtesy of Barton Musical Circuits.
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    This module is an analog drum sound. It was designed to be built using a minimum of parts and no difficult to obtain parts. It was initially designed for a "disco tom" type sound, but Michael Barton is more impressed with it's bass-drum like sounds.

    It has the following controls:

    • Amplitude Decay
    • Frequency Modulation Decay
    • Depth of Frequency Decay
    • Baseline Frequency
    • External Frequency CV Depth

    It has just two inputs, one for a trigger and one for external CV.

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    Brand Barton Musical Instruments