Mutated: Kinks PCB

Mutated: Kinks PCB


Mutated: Kinks - A DIY Kinks PCB - rectification, S&H and basic logic in 4HP

This is a PCB in the Eurorack format.

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Availability:In stock

While Links focused on transparent signal distribution, Kinks provides 3 analog signal processing operations to punish your audio signals and spank your CVs.

SIGN is a precision signal inverter and a half- and full-wave rectifier.

LOGIC performs analog OR (maximum) and AND (minimum) operations.

S&H is a sample-and-hold circuit coupled with a white noise source (normalized to the S&H input).

A 2-color output monitoring LED is available for each of these channels.

NOTE:  All Mutated modules are designed by Émilie Gillet, and are CC-BY-SA.  

Ground rules:

  • Do NOT ask on the mutable forums or email Mutable Instruments for help.  There is literally ZERO support offered from those channels - don't be an ass.  A number of Facebook groups exist to help with DIY builds, and we're happy to help as well.
  • Do NOT (re)sell these, passing them off as factory modules.  Seriously - don't be an ass.
  • Do NOT be totally scared of SMT.  If you haven't done it before, it's off-putting, we get it - but give yourself a chance.  Learn something.  That's what (we think) DIY is all about.  We're keeping the prices on these low enough that you can afford to try and fail!
  • DO have a ton of fun building them, and use them to create awesome sounds.  Then go buy a Mutable Instruments module and SUPPORT Émilie's designs, directly.
More Information
Brand Modular Addict
Additional Resources Mouser BOM