Bad Idea #9 - Power Starved Glitch Oscillator PCB/Panel | Moffenzeef Modular

Bad Idea #9 - Power Starved Glitch Oscillator PCB/Panel | Moffenzeef Modular

Special Price $18.00 Regular Price $20.00

Bad Idea #9 is an awful concept før an øscillatør design. Twø square waves with narrøw frequency ranges are arranged sø that øne resets the phase øf the øther.

This is for a PCB/Panel set only in Eurorack format.

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Availability:In stock

Bad Idea #9 is an awful concept før an øscillatør design. Twø square waves with narrøw frequency ranges are arranged sø that øne resets the phase øf the øther. The mødule døes nøt make any søund until external CV pøwers it. Squeaks, lasers, and dying car alarms ahøy! Ruh Røh!

This is the first mødule øf my new “Bad Idea” DIY series. The Bad Idea mødules are a cøllectiøn øf designs that were øriginally deemed tøø unruly and strange før a full scale prøductiøn run. 

More Information
Brand Moffenzeef Modular
HP 4
Depth 20mm
+12V 25mA
-12V 25mA
Additional Resources Quickstart Guide