DE-15 – Svalbard PCB Panel Set | DJUPVIKS ELEKTRONIK

DE-15 – Svalbard PCB Panel Set | DJUPVIKS ELEKTRONIK


 SVALBARD is a 18hp, 3 channel broken delay and no-input mixer.

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Availability:In stock

SVALBARD is a 18hp, 3 channel broken delay and no-input mixer, with both series and parallel
outputs. Each output has dedicated filters for each filter and cv control over delay time. As well
as being used as a “standard” broken delay it can also be used as a no input mixer (similar to
Shakti) patching one (or several) outputs into one of its inputs. Then patch out from any of the
outputs you are not using. Manipulating delay time and filters will have a huge effect on the
sound. The delay section can be used either in series or parallel, patching into channel one and
patching out of channel 3 will give you the signal in series (sound passing through all 3 delays
in series giving you long delays). Patching into 1 channel and out of the same channel will give
you parallel delays (which means you can use this with three different sound), mix output will
always give you all three delays in parallel.

More Information
Brand Djupviks Elektronik
HP 18
Additional Resources Build Guide