Short Bus V3 - Passive OR combiner PCB/Panel | Low-Gain Electronics

Short Bus V3 - Passive OR combiner PCB/Panel | Low-Gain Electronics


The Low-Gain Electronics Short Bus V3 is a seven input OR Logic Gate Combiner. Perfect for DIY Beginners!

This is for a PCB & Panel only for the Eurorack format

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Availability:In stock

Short Bus V3
The Short Bus is a seven input OR Logic Gate Combiner. 7 toggle switches allow you to easily select one of three options, two dedicated bus outputs (labeled A and B) or you can select the "Off" position. The Short Bus allows for easy "mixing" of gate, trigger, and clock signals. You can "mix" CV with the Short Bus, however all negative voltages will be ignored. Highest voltage at the inputs takes priority, voltages are not "Summed". The OR combiner diodes have been upgraded to allow for lower voltage drops. Using Schottky diodes, the forward voltage drop average is now around .18V instead of .7V (via 1N4148).

6HP, 0mA (Passive) 

Assembly instructions: 
Assembly is pretty straight forward.

1. Install/solder in diodes and resistors. 

2. Install switches and toggles (don't solder yet)
3. Place panel and panel hardware carefully with pcb being held behind panel.
4. Use a nut driver or similar to tighten hardware. Use a rubber band to hold the pcb and panel together w/ the parts if that's easier.
5. Once hardware is installed, solder jacks/switches to pcb.

*Tips of the Trade* By soldering after you've tightened the hardware to the panel, you reduce the risk for stress fractures in the solder.

More Information
Brand Low-Gain Electronics
HP 6
Depth 25mm
+12V 0mA
-12V 0mA
Additional Resources BOM