

Items 1-48 of 52

Set Descending Direction
  1. '73 Filter | Low-Gain Electronics
  2. 1x11 Active MIDI Thru PCB | Low-Gain Electronics
  3. 3x Waveshaper | Low-Gain Electronics
  4. 5x5 Passive Matrix Mixer - Panel set | Low-Gain Electronics
  5. Active Processor | Low-Gain Electronics
  6. Ambika 4PM Voicecard PCB
    Out of Stock
  7. Ambika Desktop Poly Synth Project
  8. Ambika Motherboard PCB
  9. Ambika SVF Voicecard PCB
  10. Analog Logic Gates | Low-Gain Electronics
  11. Bananuts  - Befaco Bananuts  - Befaco
    Bananuts - Befaco

    Starting at $4.00

  12. CHA/V 3.0 - Patchable Audio Video Synthesizer | CHA/V Designs CHA/V 3.0 - Patchable Audio Video Synthesizer | CHA/V Designs
  13. Chikipower USB power supply | Befaco
    Out of Stock
  14. Discrete Logic Gates | Low-Gain Electronics
  15. Discrete Programmable Sequencer | Low-Gain Electronics
  16. Dual AM/RM | Low-Gain Electronics
  17. Dual Linear VCA | Low-Gain Electronics
  18. DUAL LPG + MIXER + PRE-AMP | Low-Gain Electronics
  19. Dual Negative Slopes + Hills & Valleys | Low-Gain Electronics
  20. Dual Processor | Low-Gain Electronics
  21. Elmyra 2 | Neutral Labs
    Elmyra 2 | Neutral Labs

    From $300.00

    To $680.00

  22. Fixed Resonant Filterbank | Low-Gain Electronics
  23. Gate Sequencer | Low-Gain Electronics
  24. Hills & Valleys (Peak & Trough) | Low-Gain Electronics
  25. Lunchbeat - 1-bit GrooveBox PCB | Buran Elektrix
  26. Mix Pro | Low-Gain Electronics
    Mix Pro | Low-Gain Electronics

    From $20.00

    To $44.50

  27. Phaser + Dual Audio Mixers | Low-Gain Electronics
  28. PreenFM2 Metal Case (White)
  29. PVK FILTER | Low-Gain Electronics
  30. Quad Bi-Directional Router (Switch) | Low-Gain Electronics
  31. Quad Comparator | Low-Gain Electronics
  32. R6 Ring / Gate (Ring Modulator / VCA) | Low-Gain Electronics
  33. Random Source Generator (RSG) | Low-Gain Electronics
  34. Sample/Track & Hold + VC Portamento | Low-Gain Electronics
  35. Scaling Buffers | Low-Gain Electronics
  36. Sequential Switch ( 4:1) | Low-Gain Electronics
  37. Shruthi 4PM Filter PCB
  38. Shruthi Control PCB
  39. Shruthi Desktop Mono Synth Project
  40. Shruthi Dual SVF Filter PCB
  41. Shruthi SMR4 mkII Filter PCB
  42. Shruthi XT PCB
  43. Smooth Stepped Generator (SSG) | Low-Gain Electronics
  44. SympleSEQ v2.0 Universal PCB Set | HexInverter Electronique
  45. Teletouch Norns and Teletype Controller PCB Panel Set | Non Verbal Poetry
  46. TIA Atari 2600 Synth Cartridge Partial Kit TIA Atari 2600 Synth Cartridge Partial Kit
  47. Touch Responsive Controller | Low-Gain Electronics
  48. Triangle-Core VCO | Low-Gain Electronics