Pip CV Generator and Recorder Full Kit | Neutral Labs

Pip CV Generator and Recorder Full Kit | Neutral Labs


PIP is a dual clocked CV generator and recorder/complex LFO that lets you morph between predefined CV waveforms and even morph your recorded CV.

Availability:Out of stock

PIP simultaneously generates two CV waveforms, one per channel. Channel B is the master channel and it is synced to an internal or external clock. The clock of channel A depends on that of channel B: You can either set a fixed clock division, a free (arbitrary) ratio or you can adjust the phase relationship between channel B and channel A. The waveforms are arranged into rows and pages (PG). Each channel has 16 wavetable pages with 3 waveforms per page that can be morphed into each other using the MORPH knobs. In addition, each channel has a special random (sample&hold/sample&glide) page. It is possible to record incoming CV or knob movements onto each channel. The recorded waveform replaces the middle waveform of the current page and can then be morphed as well. The next page shows an overview of PIP’s main functions that could be printed out for reference. For a more in-depth view, refer to the detailed description further below.

More Information
Brand Neutral Labs
HP 8
+12V 60mA
-12V 30mA
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