Yaksha´s Fate is an 8HP version of the Mutable Instruments Resonator “Rings”.
This is a PCB/Panel in the Eurorack format.
Yaksha´s Fate is an 8HP version of the Mutable Instruments Resonator “Rings”.
This version was designed to highlight all “tweakable” parameters on top and hide those that will affect tune and harmonics. This way you can just freely loose your mind playing live without being afraid of accidentally touching frequency or structure creating some eyebrow lifts among the listeners.
It has all the functionality of the original module except for the two Outputs Odd/Even, Frequency CV (also Fine Tune) and Structure CV (Harmony). You may switch Filter CV or Decay CV to control Harmony via jumper though. The two outputs Odd and Even are mixed together on the OUT jack, but you can fade from one to the other using the Partial Knob. This way you get an additional sound shaping option and some kind of trigger control when two or four notes polyphony is selected. In contrast to the original Yaksha´s Fate will rather act as a VCO producing a constant tone (through very fast trigs) if you plug a CV source into 1V/OCT without a trigger at the TRIG input.
The module consists of three boards:
Brand | STModular |
HP | 8 |
Additional Resources | Build Guide |